Scout Programs

I’m interested in programs for:

Girl Scouts
Cub Scouts

We offer a variety of programs for scouts that fulfill many of the requirements for badge and award completion. Our programs are designed to be as hands-on as possible and are intended for small groups.

Our goal is to assist your scouts in completing some, if not all, of the requirements needed to earn their badges or awards. It is up to the leader’s discretion to determine when all requirements have been met.

For details on making a program reservation, click here.


Girl Scouts

Group Size

  • Maximum 25 participants/program

Program Length

  • 1.5 hours


  • Wheaton Residents: $120 for up to 12 scouts, $10 each additional scout
  • Nonresidents: $150 for up to 12 scouts, $12.50 each additional scout
  • Add a Campfire: $45 for 1 hour

Mouse Walk (Red Petal)
Through role-play, a short hike, and a game, we’ll use our senses and imagination to discover the many wonders of the mouse world.

Animal Habitats (Spring Green Petal or Birdbath Award – 3 Cheers for Animals Journey)
Take a hike to explore three different habitats. We’ll discuss how we can help animals and make bird feeders to take home.

Eco Learner Badge
Learn to “Leave No Trace” as we discover how to be safe and responsible when exploring the natural world around us.

Outdoor Art Maker Badge
Get inspired by nature as scouts explore Lincoln Marsh to use what they see and hear to create art.

Bugs Naturalist Badge
Bugs help us in lots of cool ways. Explore the world of bugs and learn more about these little creatures that do so much.

Senses Activity Badge (Wow! Wonders of Water Journey)
We’ll take a walk on the wild side and use our senses to discover that everything in nature has a unique smell, feel, sound, and look.

Hiker Activity Badge (Wow! Wonders of Water Journey)
We’ll learn how to prepare for a hike and hit the trails to see if we have what it takes to become Brownie hikers.

Home Scientist Activity Badge (Brownie Quest Journey)
Science is everywhere! Learn how simple household objects can test real scientific theories. Dive into density, make some slime and more! Program held at Northside Park Girl Scout Cabin November-March.

Letterboxer Activity Badge (A World of Girls Journey)
Using compasses and clues become part of an amazing game that’s played worldwide. Learn what fun can be had finding and hiding letterboxes.

Outdoor Art Creator Badge
The world is filled with pattern and color. Join us as we observe, move and create with nature as our muse.

Book a Climbing Tower program to complete your Brownie Climbing Adventure Badge

Camper Activity Badge (Get Moving Journey)
Participate in camping related activities in­cluding preparing a campfire.

Geocacher Activity Badge (aMuse Journey)
Learn to hunt for hidden treasure using GPS units. Join the global treasure hunt today! One chaperone for every 5 scouts is required.

Animal Habitats Activity Badge (aMuse Journey)
We’ll investigate habitats and help animals as we learn about protecting nature and the Lincoln Marsh.

Outdoor Art Explorer Badge
Nature inspires many artists in their sculptures, paintings and photographs. Together we’ll use nature as the inspiration for our own crafts, music and art.

Night Owl Activity Badge (Media Journey)
Night has captured the imagination since the dawn of time. But with modern-day electricity nighttime is easy to overlook so turn out the lights, tune in your senses, and step out in to the night.

Cub Scouts

Group Size

  • Maximum 25 participants/program

Program Length

  • 1.5 hours


  • Wheaton Residents: $120 for up to 12 scouts, $10 each additional scout
  • Nonresidents: $150 for up to 12 scouts, $12.50 each additional scout
  • Add a Campfire: $45 for 1 hour

Mountain Lion
Lions and adult partners will take a walk to explore Lincoln Marsh Natural Area. Along the way, they will see and identify things that are natural and things that are man-made.

NOTE: All program requirements will be covered. Please make sure to have scouts bring the Cub Scout Six Essentials to the program.

Tigers in the Wild
Tigers and adult partners will take a walk to explore Lincoln Marsh Natural Area after learning about being safe in the outdoors. Along the way, they will learn about domesticated and wild animals and trees in the area.

NOTE: All program requirements will be covered. Please make sure to have scouts bring the Cub Scout Six Essentials to the program.

Paws on the Path
It is time to go outside! You will learn how to be safe and prepared for your walk by discussing the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids. You will also talk about some local animals you might see on your adventure. Once you are prepared, you’ll head out on your walk through the beautiful Lincoln Marsh Natural Area.

NOTE: All program requirements will be covered. Please make sure to have scouts bring the Cub Scout Six Essentials to the program.

Bear Habitat
A bear is at home in the outdoors, and so is a Bear Cub Scout! You will prepare for a hike around Lincoln Marsh Natural Area by learning Leave No Trace Principles for Kids. These principles will be put into action as we complete a one-mile hike.

NOTE: Requirements 2-9 will be covered. Requirement 1 will be fulfilled by having each scout bring the Cub Scout Six Essentials to the program.

First Aid
You will learn how to protect yourself and how to help others when they have been hurt. The skills you learn could help someone in trouble or even save a life! Your patrol will have a First Aid and CPR certified educator provide instruction for this Adventure.

NOTE: Requirements 2-7 will be covered. Requirement 1 should be completed by all scouts prior to the program.

How do I make a program reservation?

  • Decide which of our programs you would like your group to participate in.
  • Choose several dates in the event that your first choice is not available.
  • Contact the Lincoln Marsh office at 630-871-2810 or [email protected] for additional information and reservations or use the reservation inquiry form.
  • Reservations should be made at least two weeks in advance; earlier reservations are appreciated and recommended.
  • A covered picnic shelter may be available for use before/after your program. Reservations must be made at the time the program is scheduled.
  • One adult chaperone is required for every 10 participants (one for every 5 participants for Geocaching Activity Badge).
  • Most programs are held entirely outdoors and are conducted rain or shine except when inclement weather creates unsafe conditions.
  • Reservation information will be emailed to you prior to your program. Review it carefully and call us as soon as possible if anything is incorrect or changes (i.e. number of participants).

More programs and activities to explore…