Lincoln Marsh Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities
Why partner with Lincoln Marsh?
Lincoln Marsh has over 7,000 program participants a year, and 13,000 website and 3,000 email views. Lincoln Marsh’s mission is to increase awareness and appreciation for our connections to the earth and to each other through educational and social experiences in a healthy ecosystem. The Marsh offers:
- Team Building
- Outdoor Education
- Scavenger Hunts
- Night Hikes
Website Advertising
Standard ads are $250/month for 3 months and are sized to fill 1/3 the height of a mobile screen or the width of a desktop screen.
Premium ads are twice as large and cost $325/month for 3 months.
Save by signing up for a 6-month ad term- Standard ads are $200/month and Premium are $275/month.
Email Advertising
Include your ad in three e-blasts to 1,000+ households.
Ad space is sold as a leaderboard and can be purchased for a position in the middle or footer of an email.
Cost per email is $175 for a footer ad, and $250 for an ad placed in the middle of the email.
Sponsor the Nature Play Area
The Nature Play Area has over 1,000 visitors a year. This is a popular spot to visit and explore. Nature play positively impacts children’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical well-being. The concept of a nature play area, in addition to the atypical playground equipment, is that it brings children and their families together to explore, play and learn in an unstructured and natural environment. Cost is $700. Benefits include signage displayed for one year.
Special Event Sponsorship
Earth Day Play Date
Earth Day Play Date is an annual event taking place in April that attracts 50-100 attendees. Cost is $500. Benefits include on-site opportunity to interact with the community.
Fish-O-Rama is an annual event taking place in June that attracts 200+ attendees.
There are three levels of sponsorships available: Presenting (only 1 business) $750, Supporting $500 and Basic $250. Each level of sponsorship has its own benefits including being on-site and marketing.